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6 Tips For Keeping Your Community Members Safe While Reopening

Ashley Hansen January 20, 2021


For the past ten months, the coronavirus has been weighing heavily on business owner’s minds. Will I lose my business? Will I be able to keep people safe if I do re-open my facility? What are the best ways to navigate this? What can I do to stay in business, while keeping everyone safe?

With the vaccine coming, and already being distributed to the public, hope is starting to return. It will be months before the vaccine is widely available, but the end is finally in sight. (when will the COVID vaccine be available to me?) While we continue to navigate new situations as a society, keep these tips in mind while opening your sports facility, office space, yoga studio, or other business. Even when the vaccine is out and available, safety should still be the top priority for you and your members. 

1. Sign up to use Spotz to Better Manage Your Business

Signing up for Spotz is a great way to keep track of your business! Using Spotz will allow you to view the schedule of your facility easily, and ensure it is always up to date. You can see who rents out rooms in your business, how many people are using the rooms, and what times they are using the rooms all in one place. Spotz also allows customers to book your spaces easily, and be billed right away. Click to learn more.

2. Continue to Take Everyone’s Temperature

Even when Covid is under control in your area, monitoring the temperature of everyone who enters your facility is a smart choice. Having a high temperature is a warning sign of sickness and checking it could prevent viruses from spreading. Set up a hands-free thermometer at the door to check the temperature of your customers before they even enter the facility.

3. Follow the Capacity Guidelines in your Area or Set a Number You Feel Comfortable With


Capacity guidelines are likely to be lifted once the vaccine has been widely distributed. However, it will be hard for people to immediately feel safe in crowds again. Use your best judgment to set a capacity that will generate revenue, while continuing to make you and your customers feel safe. Using Spotz, organizations can set a capacity limit that they feel comfortable within their space. Watch the video shown to learn how to customize capacity with Spotz.

Organizations can change their capacity at any time. 

4. Have Hand Sanitizer and Masks Available for Use

Keeping sanitizer and masks in stock will probably become a staple for most businesses. While masks won’t likely be required anymore, it will be handy to have them. Putting on a mask if you are feeling sick is the smartest way to keep your customers and coworkers safe. Hand sanitizer will help kill any viruses that are in your facility and keep your equipment clean. 

5. Disinfect All Equipment Thoroughly 

If your facility has any equipment that is used by multiple people throughout the day, make sure to disinfect it after each use. Using the Spotz buffer feature is simple to set a time between groups to clean. Buffer time can be changed at any time in Spotz. 

Keep cleaning equipment out in the open so customers can also disinfect the equipment they used themselves. Hang signs to remind your customers to disinfect things such as workout equipment, chairs, board room tables, or carts before and after each use. 

6. Communicate With Your Customers to See if you are Meeting Their Needs

Talking to your customers as they come into your facility, or sending out occasional surveys are great ways to make sure you are meeting their expectations, while also meeting your safety standards. It is impossible to keep everyone happy all of the time, but making sure your customers feel comfortable and heard is important to your relationship with the community. 

We know that keeping your employees, yourself, and your community safe are some of your top concerns as a business owner. Using these general safety tips will help you stay organized and safe. Continue to re-evaluate your plan, and make your business the best and safest place that it can be.

If you are a business owner who is looking for to reopen your business and looking for guidance on how to generate new income streams using your existing resources, then we encourage you to schedule a free demo with Spotz. Spotz is a feature-rich space management tool that allows you list, promote, and mange your unused space to generate revenue while keeping your community informed and safe.

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