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Introducing the “Net Generation”

Jared Petrie April 3, 2020


In an attempt to spread and teach the game of tennis to a new wave of athletes, the United States Tennis Association (USTA) is launching a new initiative aptly titled “The Net Generation”. The Net Generation program is providing resources and lessons to youth across the county, first beginning with “Net Generation Day” in New York on October 7th.

Tennis is also one of the easier sports to learn and organize - the rules are straightforward, most towns and cities have an abundance of courts open to the public and the sport requires only a racquet, ball, and opponent. Additionally, tennis is a non-contact sport, so there is minimal concern for parents and athletes to worry about injury.

Offering a free tennis event and introducing tennis to local youths can help foster a lifelong appreciation of the sport to athletes who may not otherwise have an interest or access to playing. More commonly than football or baseball, tennis becomes a lifelong activity that athletes are able to play and enjoy for years after the high school or collegiate level competition.

In the press release, the USTA stated their commitment to encouraging healthy and active lifestyles among children, and the Net Generation Day is the first step towards accomplishing the organization’s goals. Furthermore, Net Generation is designed to provide a positive and welcoming environment for all players - perfect for those who are just beginning to play the sport.

The Net Generation program is beneficial to the USTA in many ways. The most obvious way is through introducing more athletes to the sport. These athletes will grow up playing the game and spreading it to others in the process. More participants also equates to more active and healthy youths. A program such as Net Generation is an extremely positive driver towards helping youth sports succeed and should be welcomed in every community across the country.