Make it Easier for Customers to Reserve Your Spaces by Automating Booking

Across the country, people are looking for ways to get back to a more normal life, safely. Part of this includes getting back together, in-person, for indoor and outdoor group activities.
More than ever, people are looking for spaces, fields, and other spaces to safely host the activities they've missed. Parks and Recreation departments are in a prime position to help their communities come together—if they make their facilities easy to find and book.
Make Your Facility Stand Out
Sure, you’re doing your best to get your space availability out to the masses. You’re posting on social media, putting out brochures, and even paying for ads in local media outlets. But are you letting people know what makes your space different from the multi-use facility down the street?
Letting community members know what you have to offer—and different ways they can use your spaces—can help set you apart from the competition and book more spaces. Use pictures, tell stories, and use your facility management software to show people what you have to offer.
Here Are Some Ideas:
- Now that school sports are in full swing, multiple teams will need field and gym space. Let them know they can use your tennis courts to run agility drills or rent your baseball diamond for a JV game.
- Companies are looking for in-person team-building activities. Let them know your space is available for a fun event poolside.
- Suggest companies use your courts to play some hoops that get the competitive juices flowing before tackling the busy season together.
- Inspire generosity by encouraging a local charity to envision their next event with you. Nonprofits looking to host an event on a budget can see how your meeting room could work for an art exhibit and auction by browsing photos of past events.
Make it Easy to Reserve Space
Getting your facility in front of people is excellent. However, getting them to reserve your space right away is even better.
Using automated facility booking can reduce the strain on your team. It can also allow Park & Rec departments to increase revenues and keep costs down. Most importantly, it can make it easier for your community to reserve space.
Whether they’re searching for their concert to host or meeting to organize, people today want to make reservations quickly, easily, and often on their own. The more information they can access on their own, the more likely they are to reserve a space.
Automating space rental at your facility impacts your community members, team and revenue.
Provide A Clear Picture Of Facilities And Services
Offering online booking of Park & Rec spaces allows the community to browse available locations and amenities to find what they need. Event planners can explore pictures of meeting rooms, sports facilities, a swimming pool or other outdoor areas. Your staff will have fewer questions to answer and less back-and-forth communications that slow down the reservations process.
Offer Convenient Solutions
The most significant benefit to making it possible for your community to book space online is the convenience. With advanced reservation software such as Spotz, your spaces will be available for booking at any time. No more reservations will be lost because you didn’t get back to someone in time with the details they needed.
Help People Save Time
Online space reservations offer a faster booking process. Community members can see available spaces, dates, and times. They can then book with a couple of clicks instead of back-and-forth communication with staff. Or worse, being required to download and print a PDF, fill it out, and mail it in.
Offer Easier And Faster Payment Options
Payments are more convenient with an online booking platform, such as Spotz, especially when you don’t need to open or manage any other payment processing accounts. You can require your guests to pay when they book, securing the reservation. You can also give them more choices in payment options—not just a paper check or ACH. Imagine all the time your staff will save by not having to track down and confirm payments at the event or even weeks later.
Your facility has great spaces that should be used all the time!
When you make it easier for your community to reserve those spaces with an automated process, everyone wins. You’ll reach more people, book more spaces, and have happier staff who get to do the things that matter most to your community.
Want to see how easy it is for community members to know what spaces you have—and have them book it on the spot?
Download "Automate Community Space Scheduling with Technology."